Integrity – The First Pillar
In a recent post, I talked about REIG’s beginnings and the foundations we stand upon. Today’s post discussed the first and most important of the pillars…integrity. Being who you say you are and conducting every aspect of your business honestly.
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary has three definitions for integrity and two of them are specific to how we conduct our business operations:
: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
: an unimpaired condition: SOUNDNESS
Think about those a moment….and why they are important.
First, integrity is firm belief, not a loose set of rules to be skirted around.
Secondly, one with integrity adheres (or is bonded) to a code that is built on that firm belief system.
And thirdly, integrity encompasses a set of morals or values that form the code.
Finally, integrity calls for unimpaired judgements, being sound and whole without divisions and fractures within the code.
We at REIG believe strongly in building our business and our team on this first solid rock principle or pillar of our operation. Here are several key points where we strive to live and operate with true integrity:
- We value our customers and treat them with honesty and respect.
- Every transaction is well documented and handled professionally.
- We value our relationships with our vendors, suppliers and subcontractors.
- We have a family first policy for our team and their loved ones.
- When we are wrong or have not lived up to expectations, we admit the mistake, take ownership of the problem, and do our best to resolve the issues amicably.
I admit this pillar is constantly being challenged by the larger culture. The norm today is to just let things go, it really does not matter and besides, it’s not hurting anyone. But we do not accept those conventions and promise you that we will stand on this pillar of integrity always, keeping our standards high and our code of performance one of honesty, faithfulness and reliability always leading the way.
Next time…innovation and why it is so important to the long-term success of renewables. Until then, thanks for your interest and we hope you will visit this blog again soon,
Keith Davis is the president of Renewable Energy Integration Group (REIG), a Charlotte, NC based firm focused on all things control, data acquisition and SCADA in the commercial, industrial, and utility solar PV marketplace. He and his team are innovators and leaders in the industry and provide professional hardware, robust monitoring software and service beyond the expected. We take the complexity out of solar data!