Solar Innovation
One of the great things about working in the young and dynamic solar PV industry, is seeing the innovations that are created to solve some very perplexing challenges. There are some really smart minds out there dreaming and working on tomorrows systems that will be easier to build, more resilient and built for the long term. I applaud all those dreamers working to make their dreams real as I am one as well.
REIG has been involved in nothing but the DAS and SCADA marketplace for about 6 years now and we have seen some tremendous ideas brought to the table in that time. Some made the leap from idea to product, others did not, as the marketplace decides what is viable and what is not. That’s the free market at work and it does a great job of winnowing the winners from the also-rans.
Yet the human spirit continues to seek new and better and opportunity where none has existed before despite a market that grades all ideas and sometimes makes harsh judgments. Despite the many challenges, we entrepreneurs continue to be innately curious asking lots of questions about why, why not and how. And in the answers, innovation is born, nurtured and brought to the marketplace.
We applaud all you dreamers and tinkerer’s and visionaries out there who keep on keeping on no matter how big the challenge, no matter the obstacles in your way, always believing in yourself and your ideas. Stay the course, fight the good fight, create opportunity and make a difference.
Good advice for ourselves too. Stay tuned for some innovative news from the REIG team in 2020. We dream big here and are looking forward to sharing our innovations with the marketplace soon.