Different Times
Dear friends,
These are indeed different times than what we have known in the recent past. But different does not necessarily mean worse or better or any other synonym. It means the old way of building and managing solar PV systems may be behind us, but that also opens the doors to opportunities for those who look beyond the here and now.
REIG is one of those teams that looks well beyond the immediate. We are already working on 2021 hardware solutions and how to build a company based on excellent service and in-depth expertise. We have broad goals for 2025 already and a vision for how data will fit into the bigger picture of distributed energy resources. It is an exciting time to be in this industry.
While the times may be strange, we have not been negatively impacted by the lockdowns and shelter in place orders. Our team remains at full force and we all have remained safe and well. We have been blessed with good customers, good projects and a strong demand for our services. Thank you for your contribution to that good news.
For those of you with some service or upgrade needs, this is an excellent time to get them done before the end of the year rush is upon us again. Let me know if there is anything, we can do to enhance, maintain or upgrade your site’s DAS and SCADA systems Many thanks again to you all, we appreciate you and your business very much